My clients choose me for the diversity and quality of my work. Either by the knowledge and qualifications I acquired through years of experience, or by my dedication and creativity.
I have different packages available, depending on the type of photo sessions you are looking for. Most of them include:
. a Pre-Shoot Consultation to discuss what you are looking for and what I can offer you,
. access to my clients closet for Moms and little girls,
. all props and outfits for newborn sessions (If you are looking for a newborn session, please think about booking it 2 months in advance, so that I
can fit it into my schedule.),
. decorations including cake for every cake-smash,
. a detailed list of what is in every session’s package
. prints and digitals for every collection, because I believe you need to see in hands what my work looks like when printed.
These are just some of the things that my services provide you.
If you want to find out more, and receive more detailed pricing, email me and let me know how I can help you.
For every person that you reffer to me and does a paid session with me, you will receive as a reward 30€ credit towards your next session ((you can not redeem it for cash! ). You can either use them at once or separatelly. More infos here: Belohnung-Rabatt
*update Dec. 2024
15 fully edited printed photos, and their digital version on a USB-Stick
Professional prints sized 15x21cm on Silk paper, delivered in a leatherette Box
Private online gallery with more photos to choose from
Extra photos for 15€ each (digital and print included)
2-3 hours at my Studio
Different Set/Variations
Birth Card (digital and print) with your favorite photo from the chosen ones
1 Minileporello
Outfits for the baby from my collection at your disposal
10 fully edited printed photos, and their digital version on a USB-Stick
Professional prints sized 15x21 cm on Silk paper, delivered in a leatherette box
Private online gallery with more photos to choose from
Extra photos for 15€ each (digital ant print included)
2 hours at my studio
Different Sets/Variations
Birth Card (digital and print) with your favorite photo from the chosen ones
Outfits for the baby from my collection at your disposal
7 Fine Art Prints sized 15x21cm, delivered in a leatherette box
Your favourite chosen photo printed in size 20x30cm
Private online gallery with the fully edited photos to choose from
Extra photos for 25€ each
2 hours at my Studio
2-3 Outfits from my collection at your disposal
All collections include a USB-Stick with the digital versions of the chosen and purchased photos.
Photos are printed on museums quality paper from Hahnemühle FineArt Photo Rag® 308mm.
5 Fine Art Prints in museums quality paper from Hahnemühle FineArt Photo Rag® 308mm
USB-Stick with the digital versions of the chosen and purchased photos.
Private online gallery with the fully edited photos to choose from
All prints sized 15x21 cm delivered in a leatherette box
Extra photos for 25€ each
1,5 hours at my studio
Your favourite chosen photo printed in size 30x45 cm
Outfits for Mom and Daughter from my collection at your disposal
5 fully edited photos printed with their digital versions on a USB-Stick
Professional prints sized 15x21 cm, on Fuji Silk paper delivered in a leatherette box
Private online gallery with more fully edited photos to choose from
Extra photos for 15€ each (digital and print included)
ca. 1 hour session
Your favourite photo in size 20x30 cm (from the purchased ones)
15 fully edited printed photos, and their digital version on a USB-Stick
Private online gallery with at least 30-35 fully edited photos to choose from
Extra photos for 10€ each (digital and print included)
Professional prints sized 15x21cm on Silk Paper from Fuji, delivered in a leatherette box
Birthday Card (digital and print) with your favourite photo from the chosen ones
1 parents & siblings photo on set
1 set with 3 variations, including Splash Bath
Cake and props provided by me
Outfits for the baby from my collection at your disposal
* 30€ deposit fee, deductible in total price, but non-refundable if you cancel the session
This is an upgrade from Collection I and it contains all the photos existing in the gallery (digitals and prints), and a Leporello.
4 Fine Art prints sized 15x21 cm delivered in a leatherette Box
Your favorite chosen photo in size 20x30cm
Private online gallery with the fully edited photos to choose from
Extra photos for 25€ each
1 hour in my Studio
1-2 Outfits from my collection at your disposal
This collection includes a USB-Stick with the digital version of the chosen and purchased photos.
Photos are printed on museums quality paper from Hahnemühle FineArt Photo Rag® 308mm.
10 fully edited printed photos, and their digital version on a USB-Stick
Private online gallery with about 30 fully edited photos to choose from
Extra photos for 10€ each (digital and print included)
Professional prints sized 15x21cm on Silk Paper from Fuji, delivered in a leatherette box
1 parents & siblings photo on set
3 different sets
Outfits for the baby from my collection at your disposal
This is an upgrade from Collection I and it contains all the photos
from the gallery (digitals and prints), and a Leporello.
5 fully edited printed photos, and their digital version
Private online gallery with ca. 10 photos to choose from
Extra photos for 15€ each (digital and print included)
Professional prints sized 13x19cm
1 Card from the chosen photos
Photo stickers (1 card with 16 photos)
Set designed by me
This is an upgrade from Collection I and it contains all the photos
from the gallery (digitals and prints)